Tax Services

Revolution provides streamlined tax solutions for court-appointed fiduciaries

Tax Preparation for Wards, Trusts, and Estates

Save Time
our system is designed specifically to support busy county fiduciaries juggling numerous wards and estates


Distribution Analysis
analyze whether and when an estate should distribute to beneficiaries


we maintain your fiduciary tax data in the cloud where it is securely accessible on demand


Save Money
leverage CPA expertise to minimize tax


Document Review
examine your ward’s tax documents to determine if a filing requirement exists


No Surprise Billing
tax preparation is billed at a flat fee
Be Compliant
rely on Revolution to stay on top of changing regulations


Caregiver Payroll
maintain compliance with labor regulations to treat caregivers as employees rather than contract labor


Clear Communication
we speak your language and understand the nuances of fiduciary law

Time is Money

The thing about cliches is they’re often true! In the legal profession, this one is especially so. Our goal is to transform tax compliance for your wards and estates into a highly efficient process. In-house legal staff typically bear the brunt of work in gathering documents, chasing answers, and communicating with the tax preparer.


Since fiduciary compensation for court-appointed lawyers is often a fixed percentage, firms aren’t rewarded based on billable time. Therefore, time saved in tax compliance is money earned because firms can deploy their human resources efficiently. The leaner a firm can operate in managing the affairs of wards and estates, the higher its profitability. (And let’s not forget the benefits of lowering stress on attorneys and staff.)


Our system has been developed over years of working with country conservators. Let us Revolution-ize your fiduciary tax compliance.

Get Started

It's an efficient and streamlined process to simplify your financial and compliance burden.

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